Friday, 18 July 2014

Hope in a New Home

Both of the Bronze figurines of Hope shown at Harrogate at the Great Yorkshire Show were sold and are now with their new owners.

The exhibition gave opportunities to share about the action of Hope for Justice in the fight to stop human trafficking in the UK, and to gently share about and speak against this horrific crime.

The responses included people's hearts being moved, to want to so something in turn to be part of the answer.

Hope  here has found a piece of amber and we can see the seaside breeze
has caught in her hair and dress.
There is a gleam of gold on the beach at her feet
  and the center of the flower she carries also has gold leaf.

On Nelson Mandela day 2014 the maker of the figurine of Hope, the Sculptress JOEL reflected

"It was sometimes not an easy thing on a sunny day at a show, to talk about  dark things happening in our nation, even nearby - but it is necessary - and Hope is the answer - Hope and some action.
I am so glad that someone is now enjoying the inspiration of the Hope figurine - and look!  they too have become a part of the solution"

Monday, 7 July 2014

First Hope in Bronze

The first two sculptures of the figurine of Hope in Bronze have been cast and taken to be shown at the official Art Exhibition at the Great Yorkshire Show.

You can see that this Hope in her blue dress,  has found a piece of amethyst and is holding it up to catch the light.

Funds from the Bronze editions will help cover the costs to bring out Hope in the resin editions, and 10% be donated to anti human trafficking through Hope for Justice.

With the new popular edition the artist will receive 10% to support her and her projects and the rest of the profit of sales will all be directed to anti human trafficking.